7 Trends To Create Effective Elearning Designs
E-Learning Design Ideas for more engagement.
With the increased focus on user-centered design and UX in recent times, elearning has become an essential part of any digital strategy.
Elearning engages users on a deeper level than traditional online training does, which results in a much higher ROI. It also helps companies retain their employees for longer, which is particularly important for tech-driven industries like fintech.
But this doesn’t mean that creating effective elearning is easy! Elearning requires a great deal of thought so as to create an engaging experience that makes learners want to come back again and again.
Also the Choice of you Learning Management System (LMS) is pivotal:
Learner centric
Video-based Learning
Social Learning
LXP Hybrid
Here are Tips to design more engaging elearning courses and use the best features or concept of modern eLearning Trends.
Learner Centric eLearning Designs
This is perhaps one of the most important parts of creating effective eLearning designs.
The learner-centred eLearning approach has gained popularity in recent years as a result of its emphasis on serving the requirements of learners rather than teacher prerogatives. In creating a more intriguing eLearning environment, this philosophy emphasises putting the student's welfare first and guaranteeing success.
In learner-centered eLearning education, the emphasis is on supplying engaging learning situations and immersive experiences that prioritize the student's needs.
Whenever a student is confronted with a tough situation, their brain is forced to work harder and think about past knowledge, process new data, reflect, and then make a decision. When learners merely recall information when confronted with difficult situations, they must apply it as well.
· Activities
· Engagement
· Own research
· Own Work
· Manipulations
· Interactions
When dealing with complex topics, you can also include visual aids, so that learners can understand the information even better. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. You can go a lot further and make your elearning designs as personable as possible to bring out the learners’ personalities, make use of gamification, customise your elearning platform (LMS) and so much more.
All in all, learner centric designs are all about making your learners feel like they’re in your class, so that they stick around for long enough to learn from you.
eLearning Branding
Creating a fun and engaging e-learning experience is essential, but it does little good if the eLearning branding is tacky and unappealing.
You want to create an elearning experience that is as visually appealing as it is engaging, and to do this, you’ll want to focus on the eLearning Branding.
The branding for your elearning course should represent the brand of your organization, as well as be easily identifiable by potential learners as belonging to your organization.
Brand Matters:
· Be different and unque
· A good brand is a trusted brand
First Steps:
· Write your project statement
· Know your audience and personas
· Design a strategy
You can achieve this with a variety of elearning branding techniques, such as a design template and layout system for your courses or scheme for your elearning course’s branding.
E-Learning Branding is:
You can also create a branded course icon, which can be used as a social media profile photo.
Learn More:
How to brand your elearning courses
Scenario Based Learning
Scenario based learning is a great way to ensure that your learners feel like they’re in an actual class with a teacher.
What are the benefits of scenario-based learning?
1. Increasing motivation
2. Real-life decision making
3. Creating an authentic experience
Scenario-based learning is when you use your field of study to think up real-life scenarios to help you understand concepts—in a game sort of way.
Learner Name
Company values
Voice and face of the agency
With this type of learning, you can get your learners to follow along with a set of instructions, as well as read through written e-learning scenarios, which are meant to teach them about a specific topic.
This type of elearning is particularly effective for complex topics, and is a great way to ensure that your learners fully understand the information that they’re learning.
Scenario-based learning is.
1. Real working problematics
2. Involve Social Media with LXP features
3. Better Retention
4. Develop critical thinking
5. Great return on investment
6. Invest in an LMS / LXP Hybrid solution like the Learning Lab
Scenario based learning is a great option for those who are looking for an engaging and effective way to get their learners engaged. By following along with instructions and completing written tasks, your learners will feel like they’re in an actual class with a teacher.
Learn More:
What are the benefits of scenario-based learning?
Video Based Learning
There’s a lot to be said for video based learning. It’s easy to create, and it’s a great way to provide learners with a visual learning experience.
This type of learning is particularly effective for complex topics that would benefit from a visual learning experience, making it a great option for those who are looking to create effective elearning.
Video-based learning platforms are relatively new in the world of e-learning, but they're gaining in popularity among businesses. Many corporate training departments utilise Video-based learning platforms, including the ones listed below:
1/ Interactive Video: Construct your own scenario through a series of choices.
2/ Video Quiz: Add a quiz to your video! It's simple and terribly efficient!
2/ Screen recording: Software training is perfect for video recording
3/ Video Test: Film your presentation or talk and receive feedback
4/ Video Test: Film your presentation or talk and receive feedback
A Video-Based Learning Platform in few words:
1. Record directly on the platform
2. Ask for Video Assessment
3. Analyse and report
4. Integrate Social Learning
5. Organise live video event
6. Deliver Certifications and Awards
For those who are looking to provide a visual learning experience, video-based learning is a great option. With this type of learning, you can get your learners to follow along with a set of instructions, as well as watch a series of tutorials or lessons as they learn about a specific topic.
This type of learning is particularly effective for complex topics that would benefit from a visual learning experience.
Learn More:
Social Learning
Social learning is a great way to get your learners engaged through a variety of social media platforms.
This type of learning encourages your learners to interact with each other, as well as you, on social media platforms such as Learning Lab LMS, creating a more engaging experience for all involved.
Social Learning is interpersonal learning through
Social learning is a form of informal learning that occurs when employees share:
And knowledge.
When it comes to social learning, you have a number of options at your disposal. You can create an interactive social learning course for your learners to follow, or you can encourage your learners to engage with each other on social media as they learn.
This type of learning is particularly effective for complex topics that would benefit from a social learning experience.
What is Social Learning?
E-Learning Articles and blogging on your Learning Management Platform (LMS)
There are a variety of ways to incorporate articles and blogging in your elearning designs and eLearning platform.
Your articles and blog posts are align in the spirit of LXP where sharing knowledge is the key concept.
With articles and blog posts, you can create pieces of content that are meant to teach your learners. These pieces can be written in a number of different formats, including straight-forward text, visual content, and audio content.
You can also incorporate quizzes, games, and surveys in your articles and blog posts to engage your learners even more! Your articles and blog posts can also be used to create LXP content.
LMS / LXP Hybrid
LXP Platform is a great concept for creating content that is meant to be shared and used by your learners.
This type elearning content share on your LXP can be created using a variety of different models and techniques, making it easy for you to create a wide variety.
LXP is.
Exchange and sharing
External links...
Using and LMS / LXP Hybrid eLearning Platform like the Learning Lab is a great way to boost engagement and retention for your learners, and it’s also a great way to boost your bottom line.
An LXP will allow you to manage your entire employee and customer experience through a single interface.
Social learning with discussion
Personalised learning based on preference
Individual learning paths
Learning on demand
Supports all media types (video, podcast (audio), webinars, articles / blogs…)
Venue social collaboration : blended learning we are on it
Elearning design ideas
Creating effective eLearning designs is a lot more than just creating a course that looks good on a screen.
It requires a lot of thought, planning, and an understanding of the learnings process. To create eLearning that is effective, you must think like a learner and create a learning experience that will get them to stick around and learn from you.
User Generated Learner
LMS / LXP Platform
There are many eLearning design techniques that can help you achieve this, and one of them is learner centric designs.
These designs focus on making the learners feel like they’re in your class, and will help you gain better engagement and retention from your learners.
Contact us for free workshop and elearning platform Pilot!