Tips for creating high-quality e-learning content in 2021
E-learning comes with numerous notable benefits. Affordability, accessibility, and learning comfort are some of the basic benefits of e-learning.
Because of its benefits over traditional learning, e-learning is fast becoming the norm in educational institutions and corporate organizations.
The creation of high-quality e-learning content is critical for organizations to make the most of e-learning. Organizations are paying more attention to the quality of their e-learning content and required expert tips to create high-quality content.
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We have put together top tips for creating high-quality e-learning content. Here are our tips for creating the best quality of e-learning content.
Why you should create good quality content
Great quality content should be created to be engaging and educating. However, developers could create content for the wrong reasons, such as generating traffic or improving the conversation rate. Developers could simply create content-heavy materials that offer learners no value. Instead of creating content with a heavy focus on marketing, go for the creation of high-quality, engaging content. So, you should create good quality content because of the value and overall effectiveness.
How to create good quality content
1) Stay relevant
Keeping a digital course or any other e-learning material relevant is one of the well-established measures for improving the quality. Relevancy can be achieved with the application of microlearning. Microlearning means breaking down large chunks of content into small bits that are assimilated and retained effectively. All forms of content can be adapted for increased relevance, where audio, text, or video content.
2) Keep the content interactive.
High-quality content should be interactive. Interactivity helps to spark the interest of the learners. Even with e-learning, learners are not always interested. To encourage interest and participation, incorporate interactive elements and activities. Some of the elements that can be incorporated to keep e-learning content interactive include images, quizzes, trivia, interesting research, and statistics. Conversational videos could also be incorporated for explaining written content.
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3) Stick with the must-knows
In line with the earlier point of keeping content relevant, we should highlight the importance of sticking to the must-knows. There is so much knowledge out there. Deciding on the content that makes the course is an important part of the planning process. When researching content for digital courses, categorize findings into must-knows, should-knows, and may-knows. Categorize the research findings into these categories and decide on the proportion of the content in each category that makes the e-learning course.
4) Encourage discussions
Research has indicated that interactions improve e-learning experiences. As a result, encouraging active discussions can improve learning experiences and is essential for the creation of high-quality e-learning content. With the incorporation of active discussions in e-learning courses, learners’ retention can be significantly improved. Encouraging discussions will particularly improve the quality of e-learning content for schools, especially in distance learning situations, making up for the lack of human interactions.
To encourage active discussion, special discussion portals could be created. General discussions should also be included in these courses. The application of an actionable writing style will engage the students and encourage retention.
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5) Create an experience
Creating an experience is a tip for creating high-quality content in that experiences are remembered more effectively for long periods. Elements to encourage interactivity can be incorporated into a digital course, but if these elements are not relatable to the target audience, they will not be effective. To create high-quality e-learning content, make it an experience to remember, a form of a two-way conversation.
Creating an experience involves ensuring that the elements incorporated into the course are relatable to the target audience and applied appropriately. One aspect to focus on when creating an experience with a digital course is the culture of the learners and how the culture affects learning experiences.